Lying in State/ Why Presidents Lie – and Why Trump Is Worse – Audiobook Online Free

Lying in State is a history book by author Eric Alterman.
This clear history of presidential lies shows how our standards of honesty have eroded. Why Trump’s lies are especially dangerous.

If there’s one thing we know about Donald Trump, it’s that he lies. But he is not the first president to do so. In Lying in State, Eric Alterman questions how we have such a sickly dishonest commander-in-chief, showing that, from the very beginning, the United States has continuously expanded its power and hegemony on the basis of the president’s lies. He also revealed the cumulative effect of this deception – each lie by one president makes it easier for subsequent presidents to accept lying. Media complicity in spreading misinformation. Donald Trump, then represented not an aberration but the culmination of a long-standing trend.

Lively historical examples and insightful analyses, Lying in State is an essential listen for anyone who wants to understand how we got to this age of alternative truths.

  • Lying in State

  • Why Presidents Lie – and Why Trump Is Worse
  • By: Eric Alterman

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