A Dangerous Place (Audiobook Online) Maisie Dobbs Mysteries, Book 11

A Dangerous Place (Audiobook Online) Maisie Dobbs Mysteries, Book 11 by Author Jacqueline Winspear . Here is the best review for this audiobook: “The Great Return of Maisie Dobbs. I was disappointed with the previous book so I’m not sure what the ‘new Maisie Dobbs series’ will look like. From what I’ve seen As you can see in this book, the new series is going to be great. Maisie can’t just sit around and do nothing.

Stopping at Gibralter on her way back to England, she tries to come to terms with what has happened before. She hit a dead body, literally and Detective Maisie was on the right track. Orlagh Cassidy does a great job with the narration. There are tears and interesting characters, including characters from the previous books, the Spanish Civil War, the murders and the nurses. But Maisie is back and that’s a good thing.” We invite you to listen to this audiobook

A Dangerous Place

  • Maisie Dobbs Mysteries, Book 11
  • By: Jacqueline Winspear
  • Narrated by: Orlagh Cassidy
  • Length: 9 hrs and 46 mins
  • #Audiobookfree #OnlineAudiobook #FreeAudiobook
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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. A Dangerous Place (Maisie Dobbs 11)_01 5025.31
  • 03. A Dangerous Place (Maisie Dobbs 11)_02 5025.31
  • 04. A Dangerous Place (Maisie Dobbs 11)_03 5025.31
  • 05. A Dangerous Place (Maisie Dobbs 11)_04 5025.31
  • 06. A Dangerous Place (Maisie Dobbs 11)_05 5025.31
  • 07. A Dangerous Place (Maisie Dobbs 11)_06 5025.31
  • 08. A Dangerous Place (Maisie Dobbs 11)_07 5024.9


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