Audiobook Online – Flying Over Water

Flying Over Water is a beautiful book by author N. H. Senzai, Shannon Hitchcock.
N. H. Senzai and Shannon Hitchcock deftly intersect the lives of two girls – one is a Muslim fleeing the civil war, the other, an American from the South. They are forced to test their beliefs and the true meaning of friendship in the midst of the president’s 2017 Muslim ban.

The family of Noura Alwan, 12, granted asylum in the United States, after two years living in a Turkish refugee camp, fled war-torn Aleppo. They landed in Tampa, Florida, on January 30, 2017, just days after the president restricted entry to the United States from Muslim-majority countries.

Jordyn Johnson, 12, is a record swimmer, but has been unable to swim since her mother suffered a miscarriage during one of her meetings. Her family has volunteered to help the Alwan family through their church. She knows very few people of Arab or Muslim descent.


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0.75 Speed
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1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Flying-Over-Water-000 5384.75
  • 03. Flying-Over-Water-001 5384.75
  • 04. Flying-Over-Water-002 5384.75
  • 05. Flying-Over-Water-003 4445.81


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