Away from Me – Audiobook Online

Away from Me is a beautiful book by author Lexi Blake, Sophie Oak. Broken by the loss of his wife, Callum Reed is a man surrounded by rules designed to protect him.
He’s rebuilt his life with careful discipline, but there’s no denying what he felt when he met the lovely Gabrielle Sullivan. She is everything he wants in a woman, he sees all relationships as contracts. Gaby still signed the contract and became his perfect partner. Until the night she broke his cardinal rule.

After three years of perfect obedience, Gaby declares she wants love and she won’t settle for less. Love is not in their contract, so Cal lets her go. But Gaby has a secret reason to leave. When Cal finds out the truth, nothing will stop him from following her.

On a remote paradise island, Callum will do anything to prove he is the perfect husband for his defiant love.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Away-From-Me-000 5394.77
  • 03. Away-From-Me-001 5394.77
  • 04. Away-From-Me-002 3635.85


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