Best Audiobook – Trump Never Give Up By Donald J. Trump

Trump Never Give Up is one of the finest books coming from President Donald J. Trump. The book is co-authored by Meredith McIver, which is based on business and leadership. Donald J. Trump has been part of quite a few motivational books and memoirs. If you want to explore his archives then do check out his Why We Want You to Be Rich and Trump: The Art of the Deal.

Steve Blane took over the responsibility of narrating this book. It was quite a good performance by Steve and he managed to convey the powerful message in this book, just as intended by Donald Trump.

Donald Trump as we all know has got a very long business career as well, before taking the seat of the president of the USA. He has come across some astonishing highs and lows in his career. This put him in a great position to share his experiences so that the budding businessmen or businesswomen could benefit from it. Trump has the experience and the skills to turn any defeat into victory. In the early days of his real estate career, he got to know that almost every business project could come across some significant obstacles, delays, and problems. He started to prepare for the difficulty and even sometimes welcomed it as a challenge. This was the kind of attitude which could give you the much-needed power for conquering obstacles and also succeeding.

The excellent of this book will surprise you. Donald Trump-inspired a good number of his people who are struggling to start a new business. It has got some useful and practical lessons that are straight out of the experiences of Donald Trump.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. 1 Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenge into SUCCESS 5405.57
  • 03. 2 Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenge into SUCCESS 5394.31
  • 04. 3 Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenge into SUCCESS 3877.72

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