Blue at the Mizzen – Audiobook Online

Blue at the Mizzen is the 20th literary fiction book in the Aubrey/Maturin Series by Patrick O’Brian.
Patrick O’Brian will transport you to ancient seas, where privates lurk in the mist, and great ships fight for control of the waterways.

Blue at the Mizzen takes the excitement to the next level as British frigate commander Jack Aubrey sets everything up for a desperate raid against the mighty Spanish fleet. With Napoleon defeated at Waterloo, Captain Aubrey’s prospects in the new peacetime navy were dim. Worse still, his frigate Surprise was badly damaged in a nighttime collision.

While Aubrey awaits repairs, the ship’s doctor Stephen Maturin brings him fascinating information about the New World. Soon Aubrey is leading a daring expedition that will determine the fate of a rising South American nation, and his own. Award-winning author Patrick O’Brian blends authentic period atmosphere, rich humor, and elegant language in each of his seaworthy strands.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Blue at the Mizzen AubreyMaturin Series, Book 20_01 3142.69
  • 03. Blue at the Mizzen AubreyMaturin Series, Book 20_02 3142.69
  • 04. Blue at the Mizzen AubreyMaturin Series, Book 20_03 3142.69
  • 05. Blue at the Mizzen AubreyMaturin Series, Book 20_04 3142.69
  • 06. Blue at the Mizzen AubreyMaturin Series, Book 20_05 3142.69
  • 07. Blue at the Mizzen AubreyMaturin Series, Book 20_06 3142.69
  • 08. Blue at the Mizzen AubreyMaturin Series, Book 20_07 3142.69
  • 09. Blue at the Mizzen AubreyMaturin Series, Book 20_08 3142.69
  • 10. Blue at the Mizzen AubreyMaturin Series, Book 20_09 3142.69
  • 11. Blue at the Mizzen AubreyMaturin Series, Book 20_10 3142.69
  • 12. Blue at the Mizzen AubreyMaturin Series, Book 20_11 3138.61


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