Bullets and Beads/ Miss Fortune Mysteries, Book 17 – Audiobook Online

Bullets and Beads is the 17th novel in the Miss Fortune Mysteries series by Jana DeLeon.

Mardi Gras, and Fortune were looking forward to witnessing the scene with their own eyes, but when a visitor to Sinful was harmed during the celebration there.

Fortune, Ida Belle and Gertie couldn’t help but wonder what happened. As they begin to examine the woman and family in Sin she visits, their investigation is brought to New Orleans, at the height of Mardi Gras celebrations. But instead of relaxing a bit and enjoying the festivities, Fortune couldn’t shake the feeling that she was being watched.

When she caught sight of her father in the Mardi Gras crowd, she knew why.

Unfortunately, her father’s incident in Louisiana brought along a host of terrorists, all with only one condition in mind – the location and destruction of Dwight Redding. Can Fortune, Ida Belle and Gertie avoid the killers long enough to find out why Dwight returned from the dead? And will knowing the answer make things worse or better?

  • Bullets and Beads

  • Miss Fortune Mysteries, Book 17
  • By: Jana DeLeon

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Bullets and Beads (Miss Fortune 17)_01 3944.28
  • 03. Bullets and Beads (Miss Fortune 17)_02 3944.28
  • 04. Bullets and Beads (Miss Fortune 17)_03 3944.28
  • 05. Bullets and Beads (Miss Fortune 17)_04 3944.28
  • 06. Bullets and Beads (Miss Fortune 17)_05 3944.28
  • 07. Bullets and Beads (Miss Fortune 17)_06 3944.28
  • 08. Bullets and Beads (Miss Fortune 17)_07 3944.28
  • 09. Bullets and Beads (Miss Fortune 17)_08 3944.28
  • 10. Bullets and Beads (Miss Fortune 17)_09 3943.81


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