Butterfly Wishes – Audiobook Online

Butterfly Wishes is a love book by author Teodora Kostova.
The stand-alone novel is about friends with lovers, sweet moments on a private island, a tortured musician and a soft-hearted journalist, and a very cute dog.

At school, Nico and King were best friends and each other’s first love. But their lives take a different turn and they lose touch.

Now, ten years later, King is a famous musician and Nico is trying to make a name for himself as a journalist. As King’s life begins to fall apart, fate brings them together on a private island and rekindles their old feelings.

Can they make it work this time?

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0.75 Speed
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1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Butterfly-Wishes-000 5216.72
  • 03. Butterfly-Wishes-001 5217.16
  • 04. Butterfly-Wishes-002 1960.55


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