Christmas Present/ A Chronicles of St. Mary’s Short Story – Audiobook Online

Christmas Present is a literary fiction book in The Chronicles of St Mary’s series by author Jodi Taylor.
It’s Christmas Eve in St Mary’s. Except for Max, Peterson, and Markham, who sneak out in the middle of the night to do an assignment that’s definitely out of books.

It was ten years ago tonight that senior historians Bashford and Gray went missing in 12th century Jerusalem. How did they end up in Roman Colchester 60 AD?

Max has a theory. Peterson has a plan. Markham has a bacon sandwich. Colchester has Boudicca and her bloodthirsty Iceni.

Jodi Taylor was and always is a famous figure in history. Her unwillingness to get out of bed to do anything after 1485 can only be remedied by large amounts of chocolate, and sometimes, if it rains, not even then.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Christmas-Present-The-Chronicles-Of-St-Marys-4-5-000 4728.08


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