Crossroads of Twilight (Full Audiobook) Book Ten of The Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan
Robert Jordon’s epic reaches its tenth part but still, none has been able to control his or her faith. Each of the characters reaches its destiny for which it is chosen but in order to reach the destiny there is always a price to pay.
The daughter of the Nine Moons has been taken away from the scene and some think that she has been kidnapped. Mat Cauthon has taken the Daughter of the Nine Moons with her as he is bound to marry her no matter what the circumstances are. It’s once again not true love that forces Mat to take the threatening path, he wants to save the girl from the Shadow that wants to hunt her down. Moreover the people of the Seanchan Empire are after her for their own goals and most important of all Mat’s own life is attached to her.
This part once again is loaded with so many characters thing that we don’t see after the fifth book. In the parts like Knife of Dreams and Towers of Midnight we only see two are three main characters around which the whole story revolves. In this part however we see different people struggling to find their true purpose, people like Perrin Aybara who finally signs a deed with the devil against his friends.
Treachery from Perrin was the last thing Rand could have thought of as they have been friend for quite a while. Perrin does all this in order to free his wife from the prisons of hell. Rand has cleansed the Dark One but the people have now started hating him thus its pain for each and every one. The description through narration is accurate like always as Kate Reading and Michael Kramer provide a much mature pitch each time they appear on the scene.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Crossroads of Twilight - Prologue - Glimmers of the Pattern 11715.3
- 03. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 01/30 - Time to Be Gone 2521.29
- 04. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 02/30 - Two Captains 1995.76
- 05. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 03/30 - A Fan of Colors 3231.62
- 06. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 04/30 - The Tale of a Doll 2035.16
- 07. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 05/30 - The Forging of a Hammer 2947.67
- 08. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 06/30 - The Scent of a Dream 1836.68
- 09. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 07/30 - Blacksmith's Puzzle 1941.13
- 10. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 08/30 - Whirpools of Color 2590
- 11. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 09/30 - Traps 4393.92
- 12. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 10/30 - A Blazing Beacon 2576.36
- 13. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 11/30 - Talk of Debts 2529.73
- 14. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 12/30 - A Bargain 2410.47
- 15. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 13/30 - High Seats 2527.03
- 16. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 14/30 - What Wise Ones Know 3315.77
- 17. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 15/30 - Gathering Darkness 4579.72
- 18. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 16/30 - The Subject of Negotiations 2754.9
- 19. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 17/30 - Secrets 3854.78
- 20. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 18/30 - A Chat with Siuan 2702.23
- 21. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 19/30 - Surprises 3778.02
- 22. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 20/30 - In the Night 2992.69
- 23. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 21/30 - A Mark 3061.34
- 24. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 22/30 - One Answer 893.94
- 25. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 23/30 - Ornaments 2487.74
- 26. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 24/30 - A Strengthening Storm 2337.55
- 27. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 25/30 - When to Wear Jewels 1370.02
- 28. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 26/30 - In So Harbor 1788.07
- 29. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 27/30 - What Must Be Done 2221.48
- 30. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 28/30 - A Cluster of Rosebuds 3414.31
- 31. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 29/30 - Something Flickers 2760.3
- 32. Crossroads of Twilight - Chapter 30/30 - What the Oath Rod Can Do 4180.87
- 33. Crossroads of Twilight - Epilogue - An Answer 130.728
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