Daddy’s Sweet Girl A Dark Stepfamily Love Story – Audiobook Online

Daddy’s Sweet Girl is about the love story of a dark step-family by author Stasia Black.
When my mom told me she was getting married again and moving her new husband and his 24-year-old son to live with us. I think I’ll have to spend as much time as possible researching in the campus library to avoid all of them.

The marriage was simply a win-win arrangement for my mother and new stepfather, Mr. Winters. I also did not expect him and my stepbrother, Dominick, to be handsome men. , like the Vikings.

However, as we all drew closer together, the lines started to blur. When Dad and Big Brother start pushing those boundaries even further, will I be ready?

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Daddys-Sweet-Girl-A-Dark-Stepfamily-Love-Story-000 5201.4
  • 03. Daddys-Sweet-Girl-A-Dark-Stepfamily-Love-Story-001 5188.59
  • 04. Daddys-Sweet-Girl-A-Dark-Stepfamily-Love-Story-002 5201.29
  • 05. Daddys-Sweet-Girl-A-Dark-Stepfamily-Love-Story-003 4192.77


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