Elegy for Eddie/ A Maisie Dobbs Novel, Book 9 – Audiobook Online

Elegy for Eddie is the ninth mystery novel in the Maisie Dobbs series by author Jacqueline Winspear.
The story of a London affected by the march to other war years before the first shot is fired and an innocent victim is caught in the fire.
Early April 1933: Visit Covent Garden florists – fruit and vegetable sellers on the streets of London.
Eddie Pettit is a gentle man with an almost magical gift for working with horses. When Eddie is killed in a violent accident, doubts arise about his cause of death. Who wants to kill Eddie – and why?

Frankie, Maisie Dobbs’ father, was once a street vendor, she had known these men since childhood. She remembers Eddie and is determined to help. Powerful political and financial forces are all determined to prevent her from learning the truth behind Eddie’s death. Maisie begins her search for answers on the working-class streets of Lambeth, where Eddie has lived and where she has grown up.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Elegy for Eddie (Maisie Dobbs 9)_01 4073.92
  • 03. Elegy for Eddie (Maisie Dobbs 9)_02 4073.92
  • 04. Elegy for Eddie (Maisie Dobbs 9)_03 4073.92
  • 05. Elegy for Eddie (Maisie Dobbs 9)_04 4073.92
  • 06. Elegy for Eddie (Maisie Dobbs 9)_05 4073.92
  • 07. Elegy for Eddie (Maisie Dobbs 9)_06 4073.92
  • 08. Elegy for Eddie (Maisie Dobbs 9)_07 4073.92
  • 09. Elegy for Eddie (Maisie Dobbs 9)_08 4073.92
  • 10. Elegy for Eddie (Maisie Dobbs 9)_09 4073.5


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