Exodus/ Imp Series, Book 8 – Audiobook Online

Exodus is the 8th love story in the Imp Series by author Debra Dunbar.
The goblins have a plan to save humanity… by enslaving them.

Aaru is at war. The rebellious angels are calling for Sam’s removal from the Ruler’s Council and her banishment to Hel. Sam isn’t the only future at risk. If they were defeated, Gregory and his brothers would face a life of exile, losing everything they had spent billions of years building.

The fates of heaven and earth are in balance and only an angel from Hel can save them both.

Sam is Ha-Satan, Iblis, and she is the Angel of Chaos. She’s also the other important person among the strongest archangels in existence, Gregory. For me, their relationship has always been my favorite part of these books.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Exodus Imp Series, Book 8 - 01 3595.4
  • 03. Exodus Imp Series, Book 8 - 02 3594.7
  • 04. Exodus Imp Series, Book 8 - 03 3602.32
  • 05. Exodus Imp Series, Book 8 - 04 3583.08
  • 06. Exodus Imp Series, Book 8 - 05 3591.21
  • 07. Exodus Imp Series, Book 8 - 06 3594.36
  • 08. Exodus Imp Series, Book 8 - 07 3591.58
  • 09. Exodus Imp Series, Book 8 - 08 3593.03
  • 10. Exodus Imp Series, Book 8 - 09 3593.42
  • 11. Exodus Imp Series, Book 8 - 10 919.644


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