(Free Full Audiobook) The Hot Zone By Richard Preston

Many living in the modern world could not have believed about such disastrous effects of virus in the world of today a few years back but know people know the power of a virus. Virus the invisible creature of which mostly people have very little knowledge can spread more rapidly than a wild fire. It is transferred from one living being to another in a flash and transforms into the shape of a pandemic.

Richard Preston through this book does not want to horrify the masses rather the author brings this thing in the notice of the people that they should remain ready for pandemics.

Viruses are technical beings and being on the border line of living and non-living getting rid of them is not an easy thing at all. Author in order to horrify the public by the adverse effects of virus draws a picture of such an attack on the US.

The origin of the virus is central Africa and no one knows how it came into being but one thing becomes clear to all that it is deadly. Within no time after its landing in Washington D.C it spreads from one person to another with a death rate of more than ninety percent. One thing becomes clear to the government that if it continues in this pattern the masses would be eradicated from the entire state.

Military is called not for an operation but to help the people in the time of this catastrophe. Crisis in the Red Zone and The Demon in the Freezer also had an effect on the listeners and Richard M. Davidson’s voice has made this one even better than those books. Though the writer is not a man of science but while writing this book he had full command on the topic and his homework about the world of virus was complete.  


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