(Full Audiobook) A Quiet Life in the Country – A Lady Hardcastle Mystery Book 1 By T E Kinsey
A Quiet Life in the Country is the first book in the series A Lady Hardcastle Mystery by T E Kinsey. This book is about an eccentric lady Lady Emily Hardcastle who has a secret past and her maid who moved to Lon Don to live a quiet life. Shortly after the place where she lived there was a dead body in the forest, the police were investigating the case, there was no peaceful life at all, everything started to be scheming and calculating.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. A Quiet Life In The Country Chapter 1 - 9 4860.03
- 03. A Quiet Life In The Country Chapter 10 -19 5400.03
- 04. A Quiet Life In The Country Chapter 20 - 29 5400.03
- 05. A Quiet Life In The Country Chapter 30 - 39 5400.03
- 06. A Quiet Life In The Country Chapter 40 - 49 5400.03
- 07. A Quiet Life In The Country Chapter 50 -52 1339.17
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