Hardcore Twenty-Four/ A Stephanie Plum Novel – Audiobook Online

Hardcore Twenty-Four is the 24th mystery novel in the Stephanie Plum series by author Janet Evanovich.
The story has some fascinating humor and satire that make the series irresistible. It completely lacks the romantic tension that made the series so compelling in its heyday.
Stephanie is always cheerful. She and Lula are on the hunt for some jumps and as always, it hasn’t been easy. Amidst zombies, gnomes and huge snakes, Stephanie has done her job. I have always enjoyed Stephanie’s adventures.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Hardcore Twenty-Four (Stephanie Plum 24)_01 3163.41
  • 03. Hardcore Twenty-Four (Stephanie Plum 24)_02 3163.41
  • 04. Hardcore Twenty-Four (Stephanie Plum 24)_03 3163.41
  • 05. Hardcore Twenty-Four (Stephanie Plum 24)_04 3163.41
  • 06. Hardcore Twenty-Four (Stephanie Plum 24)_05 3163.41
  • 07. Hardcore Twenty-Four (Stephanie Plum 24)_06 3163.41
  • 08. Hardcore Twenty-Four (Stephanie Plum 24)_07 3163.09


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