High Noon By: Nora Roberts – Online Free

High Noon is a love story by author Nora Roberts.
The novel is about a brave policewoman who steps into danger – but must muster her courage to let love enter her life.

Police lieutenant Phoebe MacNamara found her as a child when an unstable violent man broke into her family’s home, trapping and terrorizing them for hours. She’s Savannah’s top hostage who puts her life on the line every day to solve tricky situations.

After watching her talk to one of his employees on the roof ledge, Duncan Swift pledged to keep this interesting, responsible woman in his life. Phoebe used to work alone, but she found that no negotiation could keep Duncan at bay. When a man puts a hood over Phoebe’s head and brutally attacks her – right in her neighborhood home – and threatening messages start appearing on her doorstep. Duncan supports her every step of the way as she establishes contact with her unknown tormentor, who is determined to hold her hostage to fear – before she becomes the ultimate opponent.

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0.75 Speed
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1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. High-Noon-000 5400
  • 03. High-Noon-001 5399.6
  • 04. High-Noon-002 5400
  • 05. High-Noon-003 5399.76
  • 06. High-Noon-004 5400.05
  • 07. High-Noon-005 5400
  • 08. High-Noon-006 5399.87
  • 09. High-Noon-007 5400
  • 10. High-Noon-008 5399.22
  • 11. High-Noon-009 5398.99
  • 12. High-Noon-010 5226.05


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