Homecoming/ Boys of Fall, Book 3 – Audiobook Online

Homecoming is the third fiction book in the Boys of Fall series by author Shannon Stacey.
They are the golden boys of the fall: the legendary championship football team of Stewart Mills High School. Fourteen years later, they return to relive glory, save the team – and find themselves again.

Sam Leavitt has two goals when he returns home to Stewart Mills to replace Coach McDonnell. The school failed to find a lasting replacement while Coach got his feet back and reconnected with his mother. As the replacement coach for the high school football team, Sam must work hard to keep the boys on track, and that means spending time with the sexy guidance counselor he has shared a hot night many months ago.

Jen Cooper knows what she’s looking for, and it’s not Sam – he shouldn’t even be back.
She wants a cultured, romantic soul, not a rough guy with callused hands – and a solid, muscular body. But seeing him every day forces Jen to question what she really wants out of life. As Sam begins to work through his past, Jen discovers there’s more to him than she imagined.

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