Journey to Munich/ A Maisie Dobbs Novel – Audiobook Online

Journey to Munich is the 12th literary fiction book in the Maisie Dobbs series by author Jacqueline Winspear.
Working with the British Secret Service on a secret mission, Maisie Dobbs is sent to Hitler’s Germany in this thrilling tale of danger and intrigue.

Early 1938 and Maisie Dobbs returned to England. On a fine, chilly morning, as she was walking towards Fitzroy Square – a place filled with memories – she was stopped by Brian Huntley and Robert MacFarlane of the Secret Service. The German government has agreed to release a British subject from prison, but only if he is assigned to a family member. Because the man’s wife was bedridden and his daughter died in an accident. The Secret Service wanted Maisie – who had a striking female resemblance – to bring the man from Dachau, a suburb of Munich.

The British government is not alone in its interest in Maisie’s travel plans. Her enemy – the man for whom she was responsible for her husband’s death – knew about her journey and desperately needed her help.

Traveling into the heart of Nazi Germany, Maisie encounters unexpected dangers – and wonders if it’s time to get back to the work she loves.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Journey to Munich (Maisie Dobbs 12)_01 4784.19
  • 03. Journey to Munich (Maisie Dobbs 12)_02 4784.19
  • 04. Journey to Munich (Maisie Dobbs 12)_03 4784.19
  • 05. Journey to Munich (Maisie Dobbs 12)_04 4784.19
  • 06. Journey to Munich (Maisie Dobbs 12)_05 4784.19
  • 07. Journey to Munich (Maisie Dobbs 12)_06 4784.19
  • 08. Journey to Munich (Maisie Dobbs 12)_07 4783.88


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