Killing Pablo – Audiobook Online

Killing Pablo is a book about The World’s Greatest Outlaw Hunt by Mark Bowden.
On July 22, 1992, Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar walked out of the luxurious prison he built for himself and disappeared into the Colombian jungle. His daring escape destroyed the nation’s fragile truce with notorious drug cartels and plunged the nation into an open war with the Medellin drug cartel.

The United States has launched a joint military and intelligence operation with the Colombian government, bringing together a team of experts and an arsenal of state-of-the-art weapons and surveillance technology that the world already has.

They know that just catching Escobar is not enough. This time, they will have to get the job done. This time, they will kill him.

The book Killing Pablo: The Hunt for the World’s Greatest Outlaw by Mark Bowden recounts the life story of Pablo Escobar aka El Pàtron or El Doctor – the world’s most powerful cocaine dealer. Pablo, as Bowden refers to him, was born and raised in a middle-class Colombian family and through his disguised acts of violence and public friendliness, he became a very powerful and wanted man. Bowden follows Escobar’s story while also tracking down the US and Colombian governments tracking him after he escapes from prison.

Overall, Bowden is able to keep the reader interested in the story and creates a book of non-fiction that, while filled with facts, is not delivered dryly. Instead, he tried to make the story of Pablo Escobar interesting, he drew him like a cartoon character to the point where it’s easy to get confused and want to know his story. that. By telling Pablo’s story and what he did, Bowden tries to prove that Pablo’s ambition was what ultimately destroyed him.

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0.75 Speed
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1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Killing-Pablo-000 1800.21
  • 03. Killing-Pablo-001 1800.15
  • 04. Killing-Pablo-002 1800.15
  • 05. Killing-Pablo-003 1800.15
  • 06. Killing-Pablo-004 1800.21
  • 07. Killing-Pablo-005 1800.15
  • 08. Killing-Pablo-006 1800.15
  • 09. Killing-Pablo-007 1800.15
  • 10. Killing-Pablo-008 1800.21
  • 11. Killing-Pablo-009 1800.15
  • 12. Killing-Pablo-010 1800.15
  • 13. Killing-Pablo-011 1372.75


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