Let’s Hear It for the Deaf Man – Audiobook Online

Let’s Hear It for the Deaf Man is the 27th mystery novel in the 87th Precinct series by author Ed McBain.
Ed McBain’s classic novel will captivate a new generation of police procedural fans.
Between a highly successful cat thief and a crucified hippie, Division 87 certainly doesn’t need the Deaf to show up anymore. His two previous appearances resulted in blackmail, murder, and general destruction. But at least they have him now… unless he has them first.

Deaf people can hardly contain their joy. Detective Steve Carella accidentally helps him rob a bank. He sends Carella a photo to keep the game going. The first two are pictures of J. Edgar Hoover while the next ones involve George Washington. But how do they add up? Will Area 87 find out before the Deaf laughs their last laugh?

Team 87’s arch-enemy known as the Deaf has returned to taunt the police, especially Det Steve Carella. The last time they met was in the 1968 book “Fuzz.” The Deaf walked away after that but not before Carella was able to shoot and injure him with her revolver. He started immediately with a phone call to the constituency announcing that he was back. He will soon mail clues to Carella, telling him that he will commit another crime on a certain day.

There are other things going on in this installment, as Carella is also investigating the brutal murder of a long-haired man who was found nailed to the wall of an abandoned apartment complex.

Det Bert Kling is investigating several burglaries where the criminal left a kitten alive at the scene of each. Kling was attracted to one of the victims, a beautiful red-haired model named Augusta Blair. Kling’s love affairs never have a happy ending so we have to keep an eye on this series.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Let's Hear It For the Deaf Man (87th Precinct 27)_01 3254.22
  • 03. Let's Hear It For the Deaf Man (87th Precinct 27)_02 3254.22
  • 04. Let's Hear It For the Deaf Man (87th Precinct 27)_03 3254.22
  • 05. Let's Hear It For the Deaf Man (87th Precinct 27)_04 3254.22
  • 06. Let's Hear It For the Deaf Man (87th Precinct 27)_05 3253.07


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