Loyalty in Death – Full Audiobook In Death Book 9 By J. D. Robb

Loyalty in Death is the 9th book in the In Death series by J. D. Robb. The moment police lieutenant Eve Dallas confronts the clever, always mocking her with letters. He is a bomber lurking in New York City writing to Eva will threaten and destroy the entire city, will destroy those close to her, those she cares. With this race, Lieutenant Eva must fight for her life, protect her relatives and her city worth living.

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0.75 Speed
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1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Loyalty In Death P1 4860.32
  • 03. Loyalty In Death P2 5400.35
  • 04. Loyalty In Death P3 5400.35
  • 05. Loyalty In Death P4 7981.22

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