Mammy Walsh’s A-Z of the Walsh Family – Online Free Audiobook

Mammy Walsh’s A-Z of the Walsh Family is the sixth literary fiction book in the Walsh Family series by author Marian Keyes.
Here’s a hilarious short guide to everyone’s favorite eccentric Irish family, Mammy Walsh’s A-Z of the Walshes. Mammy Walsh presents the family in her own special way, with views on everything from fake tans to alcohol.

This is a great ending to the series about the Walsh sisters. You get a little insight into each character’s life, plus we get the voice of Mammy Walsh. Awesome. Not only did we learn more about the matriarch’s life, but we also got into her head and saw everything through her eyes.
Keyes is amazing, and if you enjoyed the series, you’ll love this series too.

It’s great to catch up with everyone and see where they are a few years later, to revisit the grown-up Kate and the third generation of Walshes.
My only complaint is that it’s too short, but I get the idea here: just A to Z.
It is worth your time, money and attention.

Note: Please scroll down to load more books!!!

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Mammy-Walshs-A-Z-Of-The-Walsh-Family-Walsh-Family-6-000 5384.54
  • 03. Mammy-Walshs-A-Z-Of-The-Walsh-Family-Walsh-Family-6-001 2229.29


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