Men at Arms/ Discworld, Book 15

Men at Arms is the 15th science fiction book in the Discworld series by author Terry Pratchett.
The town of Ankh-Morpork is in big trouble and City Watch is in dire need of a few good men to protect it. All they had were the dwarves Corporal Carrot and Lance-constable Cuddy, Lance-constable Detritus, Lance-constable Angua, who was supposed to be a woman, and worst of all, Corporal Nobbs, who was eliminated from the competition. . Humanity for jostling!

These underdogs need all the help they can, as they only have 24 hours to clean up the war ravaged town.

This is the second book in the Watch sub-series of the Discworld books. It’s a bit of a murder mystery wherein the Watch, freshly diversified by the patrician’s mandate, is told that they are absolutely, positively not supposed to investigate an explosion at the Assassin’s guild and to completely avoid looking into the murder of a clown. Oh, and soon-to-be-retired Captain Vimes is getting married.
It’s a delightful read, Corporal Carrot really comes into his own in this

The City Watch returns as Sam Vimes is leaving the institution to marry into the nobility (he generally despises all nobles except his soon-to-be-wife) and a conspiracy acts to get rid of the patrician by restoring the descendant of the last king (who died centuries ago) to the throne. The king is—unsurprisingly—on the City Watch.

Pratchett is in true form here, satirizing just about everything from politics to policemen. He also takes a very humorous look at such serious questions as racism, getting people to think about tough topics without preaching at them. This is the book that also proves that the City Watch has legs as the focus of a novel (just in case the first one featuring them wasn’t proof enough) and happily leads him to write many more about this great crew.

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