My Brilliant Friend – Free Full Audiobook

My Brilliant Friend is a literary fiction book by author Elena Ferrante.
A modern masterpiece by one of Italy’s most famous authors. My Brilliant Friend is a rich, intense and generous heart story about two friends, Elena and Lila, representing the story of a nation and the essence of friendship.

The story begins in the 1950s in a poor but vibrant neighborhood on the outskirts of Naples. Growing up on these harsh streets, the two girls learn to lean on each other before anyone or anything else. Their paths constantly diverged and converged – Elena and Lila remained close friends, whose respective fates were reflected and refracted in the other. They also embody a nation undergoing significant change. The lives of these two women, Ferrante tell the story of a neighborhood, a city, and a country as it is transformed in ways that, in turn, also alter the relationships between its protagonists.

My clever friend, the first book in the series, Ferrante proves himself to be one of Italy’s greatest storytellers. She delivered to her listeners a masterfully planned anti-pause, rich and generous in details and narrative characteristics. Stylish literary fiction is destined to please her many fans and attract new listeners to her work.

  • My Brilliant Friend

  • The Neapolitan Novels, Book 1
  • By: Elena Ferrante

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0.75 Speed
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1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. My Brilliant Friend (NN1) (01 of 11) 4708.46
  • 03. My Brilliant Friend (NN1) (02 of 11) 4356.94
  • 04. My Brilliant Friend (NN1) (03 of 11) 3218.58
  • 05. My Brilliant Friend (NN1) (04 of 11) 4142.83
  • 06. My Brilliant Friend (NN1) (05 of 11) 4262.46
  • 07. My Brilliant Friend (NN1) (06 of 11) 3476.97
  • 08. My Brilliant Friend (NN1) (07 of 11) 3731.54
  • 09. My Brilliant Friend (NN1) (08 of 11) 4170.52
  • 10. My Brilliant Friend (NN1) (09 of 11) 4265.11
  • 11. My Brilliant Friend (NN1) (10 of 11) 4465.46
  • 12. My Brilliant Friend (NN1) (11 of 11) 4617.67


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