My Brother’s Roommate By: Kendall Ryan (Audiobook Online)

My Brother’s Roommate is a love book by author Kendall Ryan.
A romance about a charming new brother’s best friend.

Wolfie Cox is… complicated. Unfortunately, he has an impressive stick embedded deep in his ass, he’s emotionally ready like a chinchilla. That might be an insult to the chinchilla community.

He thinks I hate him. I made him believe this. It’s easier than admitting the truth.

When Wolfie is soft and cuddly like a fork, I’m the opposite. A wonderful girl. Reliable. conscientious. Oh, and completely bewildered about an upcoming work conference.

Wolfie is often allergic to altruism, so when my brother convinced him to help me by escorting me to the aforementioned conference.

Wolfie is undeterred about this. The story of me being stuck in a hotel room with my hot roommate.
This is not a game for me, and hormones aside, I need to impress my boss this week for the promotion I’ve worked so hard to not get. for his worthless grandson. But with Wolfie and I sharing a bed in a hotel, things quickly became confusing.

This movie is a real intimacy issue with the male lead and not the female lead, which is a different approach from what you’re used to seeing. I really appreciate that and think it really contributes to the richness of the story.

Penelope is in need of a date to get her company to withdraw because she doesn’t want to be the only one there alone. Her brother, Connor, suggests that she marry his roommate Wolfie and she agrees. It’s not just because she needs a companion, but she’s always had feelings for one of her brother’s best friends.

Wolfie is not only Connor’s roommate but also a colleague. He agrees to go with Penelope, but the intimacy and his relationship are so uncomfortable, he feels everything will go smoothly as long as nothing happens between the two of them. .

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. My-Brothers-Roommate-Frisky-Business-2-000 5212.77
  • 03. My-Brothers-Roommate-Frisky-Business-2-001 5216.1
  • 04. My-Brothers-Roommate-Frisky-Business-2-002 5211.37
  • 05. My-Brothers-Roommate-Frisky-Business-2-003 4214.35


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