Narcissus in Chains – Free Full Audiobook

Narcissus in Chains is a literary fiction book by author Laurell K. Hamilton.
In her 10th adventure, nothing can save vampire hunter Anita Blake from the twist of fate that has drawn her closer to the brink of humanity.

I consider Narcissus in Chains to be the opening of a sequel to the series, where Anita has come to accept her relationship with boys. She is constantly learning to accept that she is who she is, no matter how she continues to grow and change. And she will defend what she has – her men, the locals and the local changers.
Anita had almost both Jean-Claude and Richard for a year and knew it was time to go home and make peace with them. No one expected Anita to start gathering power as a master Vampire when their points married again. Great action and power and opposition in this one.

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  • 01. welcome 8
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