Never Fade – Full Audiobook Darkest Minds Book 2 By Alexandra Bracken

Never Fade is the second book in the series Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken. The story revolves around Ruby, an intelligent young girl with superhuman intelligence who saved the children to live fever in the United States. A pandemic has occurred, killing most children, Ruby and everyone are very scared, they have survived many efforts to destroy it. She tried to find a way to save the people she loved, she knew that danger was always lurking but she bravely faced everything.


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0.75 Speed
Normal Speed
1.25 Speed
1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Never Fade P1 9788.58
  • 03. Never Fade P2 10778.6
  • 04. Never Fade P3 9918.56
  • 05. Never Fade P4 10274.6
  • 06. Never Fade P5 10620.6
  • 07. Never Fade P6 3823.2

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