Never Go Back/ Jack Reacher, Book 18 – Audiobook Online Free

Never Go Back is the 18th literary fiction book in the Jack Reacher series by author Lee Child.
Former military cop Jack Reacher travels all the way from snowy South Dakota to his destination in northeastern Virginia, near Washington, D.C.: the headquarters of his former unit, the 110th congressman. Old stone building It was the closest thing to a home he’d ever had.

Reacher was there to meet face-to-face with the new commanding officer, Major Susan Turner.

That’s not Turner behind CO’s desk. And Reacher received two shocking news, one with serious criminal consequences, and one that was too personal to even think about.

When threatened, you can run away or fight.
Reacher fights, aiming to find Turner and clear his name, only one step ahead of the military, the FBI, the D.C. police. Metro and four unidentified thugs.
Lee Child takes Reacher through his steps – and makes him question who he is. What did he do and it was the future of his unfettered life on the open road.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. 01 - Never Go Back A Jack Reacher Novel-965974237 10761.1
  • 03. 02 - Never Go Back A Jack Reacher Novel-965974222 10757.7
  • 04. 03 - Never Go Back A Jack Reacher Novel-965974216 10761.4
  • 05. 04 - Never Go Back A Jack Reacher Novel-965974201 10759
  • 06. 05 - Never Go Back A Jack Reacher Novel-965973970 6231.98


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