One True Loves – Audiobook Online Free

One True Loves is a literary fiction book by author Taylor Jenkins Reid.
In her 20s, Emma Blair married her high school sweetheart, Jesse. They build their own lives, far from the expectations of their parents and native people. Together they traveled the world, living forever.

On their first wedding anniversary, Jesse was on a helicopter flying over the Pacific Ocean when it went missing. Just like that, Jesse was gone forever.

Emma quits her job and moves back home in an attempt to rearrange her life. Years later, now in her 30s, Emma runs into an old friend, Sam, and finds herself in love again. When Emma and Sam got engaged, Emma felt like a second chance at happiness. That is, until Jesse is found. He’s been trying all these years to get back home with her.

A great book, a great story, a great love. I love falling in love. I think it’s the best feeling in the world for everyone. And usually we actually fall in love more times. And it may happen that we find more true love. But we stayed with one at that time. Yes normal.

In this book, a woman loses the love of her life after a year of marriage. They traveled a lot, had a really open relationship, and it was perfect until he went missing. And then she went back to her childhood home and found another life she really enjoyed, she fell in love with an old love. But when they get engaged, she gets a call that her dead husband is still alive and coming back into her life.

It seemed like an impossible situation and I would rather die than choose. The situation was emotional and heartbreaking. I love passion and will and I really hope that works out for all. Maybe I’ll need more time to decide. It was a bit of a rush for me. But anyway beautifully written. I love that those two fall in love over and over again.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. One-True-Loves-000 5253.64
  • 03. One-True-Loves-001 5254.98
  • 04. One-True-Loves-002 5251.12
  • 05. One-True-Loves-003 5254.77
  • 06. One-True-Loves-004 5256.71
  • 07. One-True-Loves-005 2076.19


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