One, Two, Buckle My Shoe/ A Hercule Poirot Mystery – Free Online

One, Two, Buckle My Shoe is a literary fiction book in the Hercule Poirot Mysteries series by author Agatha Christie.
The dentist was found with a black hole below his right temple. A pistol lay on the floor near his right hand. One of his patients was found dead from a lethal dose of local anesthetic. A clear case of murder and suicide. Why would a dentist sin in the middle of a busy day with appointments?

A shoe lock holds the key to the mystery. Now – in the words of the rhyme – could Poirot pick up the sticks and put them upright?

This is an Agatha Christie that I haven’t read, for some unknown reason, in a while. I even forgot whodunnit, which is unusual. A lot of times that’s ALL I remember. This surprised me. There is some real darkness at its core that is very different from the Poirot novel. There’s a lot about politics (mostly radical), innocent people being harmed, and a cold-blooded psychopath who always makes excuses for his behavior. I really loathe this killer for his disregard for other people’s lives.

“Yes, we are all human. That’s what you didn’t remember.” (Hercule Poirot)

The story begins simply – and humorously – enough with Poirot visiting his dentist, Dr. Henry Morley. Later, Poirot learns that Dr. Morley has died – believed to be a suicide. When another Morley patient, Mr. Amberiotis, died from an overdose of dental anesthetic. Did Morley commit suicide when he realized what he had done? Of course, it’s not that simple – it never was with Christie’s. Then another of Morley’s patients, Mabelle Sainsbury Seale, disappeared.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. one, two, buckle my shoe (Hercule Poirot 22)_01 3847.83
  • 03. one, two, buckle my shoe (Hercule Poirot 22)_02 3847.83
  • 04. one, two, buckle my shoe (Hercule Poirot 22)_03 3847.83
  • 05. one, two, buckle my shoe (Hercule Poirot 22)_04 3847.83
  • 06. one, two, buckle my shoe (Hercule Poirot 22)_05 3847.78


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