Poison Promise/ Elemental Assassin, Book 11 – Free Full Audiobook

Poison Promise is the 11th romance book in the Elemental Assassin series by author Jennifer Estep.
Gin Blanco is tough, sexy and deadly. Nicknamed “Spider-Man,” she’s a rock elemental assassin who brings her unique blend of magic and ingenuity to every mission, no matter what the goal.

There’s a new drug on the streets of Ashland, and its name “Burn” summarizes its powerful effect on users. When one of her restaurant employees is threatened by drug dealers, Gin steps in to sort things out…

Well, this is the 11th book in the Elemental Assassin series and they show no signs of getting old. This is like a warm-up to a sequel I’m afraid though since we actually get to meet MM Monroe for a couple of pages it’s not the villain of this novel but it does give you an idea of ​​what it’s like. what Gin will do against.

Let’s get back to the content of THIS book, Gin, through a series of seemingly random events, encounters a local drug lord named Benson and while he is a vampire and commander a large army of criminals, it is his special power that makes him a dangerous enemy of Gin.

This book we see a bit of family conflict between Bria and Gin, a new friend and what looks to be a new permanent addition to Gin’s entourage. I can’t say more than that without being revealed and I stay away from revelations.

There’s a new drug on the street called Burn and it’s making a lot of money for Benson, Gin and Bria all looking to put an end to him and his business. The job is easier said than done and it won’t be easy or painless.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Poison-Promise-Elemental-Assassin-11-000 5243.02
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  • 07. Poison-Promise-Elemental-Assassin-11-005 5242.99
  • 08. Poison-Promise-Elemental-Assassin-11-006 5242.19
  • 09. Poison-Promise-Elemental-Assassin-11-007 2033.49


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