Portrait in Death/ In Death, book 16 – Audiobook Online

Portrait in Death is the 16th mystery novel in the In Death series by author J. D. Robb.
After being tipped off by a reporter, Eve Dallas found the body of a young woman in a trash can on Delancey Street. The TV station had mysteriously received a set of professional portraits of the woman. The photos don’t seem out of the ordinary for any beautiful young woman starting a modeling career. Except she’s not a model. These photos were taken after she was murdered. Now Dallas is on the trail of a perfectionist and artist killer. He carefully observes and records the victim’s every move. He has a mission: to possess the chastity of every beautiful maiden, to capture their youth and vitality – in one fatal shot….

Roarke finally gets to know the full backstory with his parents, and it’s so well written that you want to grab the book and give him a hug. I also liked the way Eve reacted, it was all very natural.

You can tell that Eve and Roarke are both maturing in their marriage.

As for the murder, I think the culprit is nowhere to be found, although it’s interesting to see a killer who really, really thinks he’s doing something right. He didn’t mean it, just crazy. The action at the end really took my breath away, but of course everything was fine.

  • Portrait in Death

  • In Death, book 16
  • By: J. D. Robb

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