Rachel’s Holiday/ Walsh Family, Book 2 – Free Full Audiobook
Rachel’s Holiday is a literary fiction book in the Walsh Family series by author Marian Keyes.
A delightfully dark and hilariously dark number-one bestseller about a woman who lives a rather affluent life and is cut off from it all, from the number one Grown Ups author.
‘How did it end up like this? Twenty-seven years old, unemployed, mistaken for a drug addict, in a treatment center in a remote place with an empty bottle of Valium in my underwear….”
She’s living her life to the fullest in New York City, spending the night chatting at glitzy parties before heading home early in the morning to her hot boyfriend, Luke.
Her sensible older sister showing up and taking her to rehab was actually not part of her plan.
She only agreed to incarceration because she heard that rehab with wall-mounted Jacuzzis, gyms and rock stars would be as cold as turkey – plus it was about time she have a vacation.
Saying goodbye to joy will be difficult. But it’s not as hard as losing the man she realized, all too late, maybe just the love of her life….
This is the second book in the Walsh family collection. The focus is on Rachel and she is a drug addict living in America with her best friend and boyfriend. She didn’t really appreciate being an addict until she overdosed and was sent back to Ireland by her family for rehab. Rachel thought the Cloisters would be like a Spa in a few weeks but she was pleasantly surprised when she got there. I love the fact that she is always hoping to meet a celebrity or seek out luxurious treatment places.
Her family is amazing, they clearly love and care about her but don’t hold back and still talk to her the way they do to each other. Her sisters laugh at her for being an addict but you know they’re worried.
Rachel’s Holiday
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- 09. Rachels-Holiday-Walsh-Family-2-007 5214.27
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- 13. Rachels-Holiday-Walsh-Family-2-011 613.781
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