Red November – Audiobook Online
Red November – Audiobook Online By: Joel B. Pollak
A conservative journalist goes behind enemy lines to cover the 2020 Democratic primaries from within. The 2020 Democratic primaries are among the most extreme in US history.But the show is not over yet.
Socialism is still on the rise, and ideas that were once considered crazy are now even more popular than they were in the past.
In Red November, conservative journalist Joel Pollak tells the story of how the Democratic Party has become radicalized and offers a fascinating story about life during the campaign. There are stories from the Democratic debates, interviews with candidates and brawls between journalists.
Part travelogue, part satire, part memoir, Red November is a realistic yet humorous behind-the-scenes look at candidates, activists, and voters as the Democratic Party chooses who it is. will take on the sacred task of removing Donald Trump – “45”, as his haters know him – from the White House and ushering in a utopia of “Medicare for All” and the “Green New Deal”.
The book is informative, well written, and an enjoyable read that is hard to put down. For citizens who want to be well informed about what is at stake in the 2020 election, I strongly recommend
Another brick in the wall.
If you wonder why democracies are disappearing, this is the book to read. It is professionally written and presented in a logical manner. You may want to skim through some news events that you think you know, but then you will miss some important details. Although it looks like fiction, you can verify any part of the newsletters. I highly recommend this book to everyone who wants to see the reality of the current State of Confederation.
As the old saw said, “read it and cry”.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Red-November-Will-The-Country-Vote-Red-For-Trump-Or-Red-For-Socialism-000 5384.75
- 03. Red-November-Will-The-Country-Vote-Red-For-Trump-Or-Red-For-Socialism-001 5384.75
- 04. Red-November-Will-The-Country-Vote-Red-For-Trump-Or-Red-For-Socialism-002 5384.75
- 05. Red-November-Will-The-Country-Vote-Red-For-Trump-Or-Red-For-Socialism-003 5384.72
- 06. Red-November-Will-The-Country-Vote-Red-For-Trump-Or-Red-For-Socialism-004 5384.75
- 07. Red-November-Will-The-Country-Vote-Red-For-Trump-Or-Red-For-Socialism-005 5384.75
- 08. Red-November-Will-The-Country-Vote-Red-For-Trump-Or-Red-For-Socialism-006 2684.72
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