Salamandastron – Redwall Book 4

Salamandastron is a book in the Redwall series by Brian Jacques. This is a New York Times bestseller, the best series of all time. This book is about the exceptional, vocal production of a remarkable array of skilled performers.

The good creatures of Redwall Abbey relax, the mountain stronghold of Salamandastron is under siege. Ferhago the Assassin and the ferocious ferrets cast all their fury against the Mighty Lord Urthstripe, the Badger Volcanic Lord and the ruler of Salamandastron. When a flash of lightning uncovers Warrior Martin’s sword, young Samkin embarks on a new adventure that will lead him to battle. This adventure leads to victory for good.
This is an adventure story for all audiences, readers should not miss the fascinating series of author Brian Jacques.

Here are some comments from readers to better understand this good audiobooks:

01- The book’s content is about a siege of a mountain, damaging the defenders. A mission to save the monastery from plague; and a young girl’s journey to find her place in the world.

02- You don’t miss Brian Jacques’ book. A lively cast of characters with epic stories of good and evil that are enthralling. The book deals with different issues of good and evil, with surprises that will delight readers. The book’s violence, fighting and death characters are not great choices for young people.

03- This is a great story with interesting twists and turns,
The cast did a great job of being the story of a lifetime. Samkin is a true archer who doesn’t use his bow for ultimate combat. This is a book suitable for teenagers and adults, and aside from some fight scenes, kids will love the story.

04- Four stories intertwine to create an epic story and villains. Ferrago and his son have created some of the most evil pests that have ever appeared in the Mossflower country. Willingness to eat and fight is the great part of this piece. After all, the door to Redwall Abbey is open to all kind creatures. This is a novel that is loved and received by readers.

05- The troupe’s acting ability is beyond anything. Some of the magic is gone from the story but the cast brings the characters to life in a way that not even imagination will let the reader down. Don’t miss the next installment in this Redwall series.

We invite you to follow and love this fascinating Salamandastron audiobooks.

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