Skyward By Brandon Sanderson – Best Selling Audiobook

Brandon Sanderson is a popular name in the literary writing domain and he managed to earn a good name for himself. The Reckoner series made him the bestselling author. There are plenty of other popular novels that Brandon Sanderson has written, which offers a great literary enjoyment for all the fans of fiction. The Stormlight Archive #4 and Starsight novels are the ones that will depict the best picture associated with the abilities and skills of the author in writing.

Skyward marks the start of a new novel series by Brandon Sanderson. The first chapter is Skyward, which is also the title of the amazing novel series. The book is a contemporary science fiction fantasy novel. Suzy Jackson had the privilege of giving a very powerful and emotional narration of this exciting novel. She aptly ensured forceful delivery and brassy tone, which was actually the need of this novel.

The story in this novel revolves around the central character of Spensa who has a dream of becoming a pilot. She was inspired by the heroism of her pilot father and wanted to follow in her footsteps to become a hero herself.

The entire world of Spensa has been under severe attack for many decades. The pilots are the real heroes and those are the only one left in the human race on the planet. Spensa wanted to prove her bravery right since her childhood. She wanted to soar skyward and show herself as a valiant hero. But, her fate is completely intertwined with that of her father, who himself was a pilot. He got killed many years ago just when he deserted his own team. That made Spensa’s chances absolutely 0 of getting a chance to attend the flight school. Everyone taunted Spensa about her father being a coward.

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0.75 Speed
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1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Skyward P1 7086.39
  • 03. Skyward P2 12054.5
  • 04. Skyward P3 10922.4
  • 05. Skyward P4 9684.48
  • 06. Skyward P5 9126.45
  • 07. Skyward P6 5992.36

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