Star of the Morning/Nine Kingdoms, Book 1 – Audiobook Online
Star of the Morning
- Nine Kingdoms, Book 1
- Narrated by: Laura Jennings
Darkness has enveloped the north since the black magician began his assault on the kingdom of Neroche. Legend has it that only the two magical swords of King Neroche can defeat the magician. Now, the fate of the Nine Kingdoms lies in the hands of a woman destined to wield one of those swords….
In this land of dragons and wizards, warrior maids and magical swords, nothing is as it seems. And Morgan will find that the magic in her blood brings her troubles she can’t face with a sword – and a love stronger than she ever imagined.
Entertaining and lively, this is a winter worth reading. Curl up by the fire, or take a picture of something, grab a mug or hat, and kick back for a romantic adventure. Silly comments, incredibly beautiful people and a dwarf. There are more too.
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- 01. welcome 8
- 02. Star-Of-The-Morning-Nine-Kingdoms-1-000 5214.63
- 03. Star-Of-The-Morning-Nine-Kingdoms-1-001 5214.43
- 04. Star-Of-The-Morning-Nine-Kingdoms-1-002 5208.29
- 05. Star-Of-The-Morning-Nine-Kingdoms-1-003 5210.53
- 06. Star-Of-The-Morning-Nine-Kingdoms-1-004 5210.06
- 07. Star-Of-The-Morning-Nine-Kingdoms-1-005 5214.06
- 08. Star-Of-The-Morning-Nine-Kingdoms-1-006 5214.02
- 09. Star-Of-The-Morning-Nine-Kingdoms-1-007 2374.5
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