Tea Time For The Traditionally Built The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency Book 10 – Audiobook Online

Tea Time For The Traditionally Built – The No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency, Book 10, Audiobook Online By: Alexander McCall Smith

The 10th entry in the international #1 bestselling Women’s Detective Agency series finds Precious Ramotswe investigating a mystery happening near home.

When she asked her trusted husband, J.L.B. Matekoni, in order to fix her white pickup truck, Precious fears he might sell the car and buy her something more modern. And so he does. But this won’t work. So Precious tries to track down his beloved truck – and learns it’s been stolen from his new car.

Mr. Smith and Mrs. Lecat were wonderful again. You won’t be disappointed. Up to this point in a long series, there is one book that may not equal the others in terms of quality. But not this one, and not any of the previous ones. This series is a bargain at double the price. I just wish I had found it sooner.

These books have given me many hours of relaxation and at the same time made me curious about each character. I usually listen to heavy horror movies, but when I watched one of these movies, I was very happy. The characters are all unique and I know them well, which is what makes this series an old friend to me. The characters don’t change from book to book, they are who they are, just like us.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Tea Time for the Traditionally Built-Part01 4278.23
  • 03. Tea Time for the Traditionally Built-Part02 4181.03
  • 04. Tea Time for the Traditionally Built-Part03 4306.59
  • 05. Tea Time for the Traditionally Built-Part04 4248.79
  • 06. Tea Time for the Traditionally Built-Part05 4231.52
  • 07. Tea Time for the Traditionally Built-Part06 4166.28
  • 08. Tea Time for the Traditionally Built-Part07 4260.8


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