The Alibi – Free Full Audiobook

The Alibi is a mystery novel by author Sandra Brown.
The Alibi is a top crime novel – and beyond. With her sensitivity and insight into the human condition, Sandra Brown also creates a powerful psychological portrait of a man in moral turmoil who must make choices. difficulty between personal passion and the demands of conscience.

Born into a good old Charleston family, Hammond Cross decided to become the city’s next district attorney – without sacrificing his integrity. Prosecuting the murder of real estate mogul Lute Pettijohn could be his ticket to office. While Hammond predicts success, someone near him is plotting to take him down.
Steffi Mundell, colleague, ex-lover, and rival to the DA office…Rory Smilow, the incomparable murder detective and arch-nemesis of Hammond…Davee Pettijohn the beautiful and cunning Davee Pettijohn , Lute’s widow and lifelong friend of Hammond, who is too honest to mourn a husband she despises… and Hammond’s prime suspect, a mysterious woman who shares a potentially fatal secret for Hammond’s ambitions.

This is a great murder mystery from Sandra Brown, a master storyteller with a gift for plot, plot twists, deception, and the inevitable shocking ending. She is a lexicographer with both character and place, always making us feel as if we were there with her as she describes the setting with a tapestry of color, senses, desires. and subtle nuances. Old fans will recognize her signature style in this novel, and newcomers will soon be captivated by her talent.

I have read this book many times, it is one of my favorite books. Love the writing style, we’re always paying attention and the story unfolds without us knowing who the killer is. Love the chemistry between Alex and Hammond. But why doesn’t she use Hammond as her alibi? Believe me, this book is very good and well worth reading. Liked the ending so much. I strongly recommend that you refer to this book.

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0.75 Speed
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1.5 Speed
  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. The-Alibi-000 3780.83
  • 03. The-Alibi-001 3766.31
  • 04. The-Alibi-002 3751.35
  • 05. The-Alibi-003 3784
  • 06. The-Alibi-004 3751.16
  • 07. The-Alibi-005 3717.4
  • 08. The-Alibi-006 3733.57
  • 09. The-Alibi-007 3740.54
  • 10. The-Alibi-008 3748.64
  • 11. The-Alibi-009 2750


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