The Burning White

The Burning White is the fifth novel in the Lightbringer Saga series by renowned author Brent Weeks. This is the best-selling series about conflicting kingdoms, so Kip escapes the shadow of his family to protect the land and the people he loves.

Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: The Burning White audiobook by Jason

GoT Season 8 all over again

First, mad props to Simon Vance. He did an amazing job with every book in the series!!

Now, as for the substance… Meh… A lot of it was useless and could have been cut. Other parts were extraordinarily silly and unbelievable even for a fantasy series.

I wasn’t wild about how all the characters wrapped up. I’m not someone who needs every character to have a happy ending, But at the same time, there seemed to be extremely heavy handed unfairness with no clear reason as to why. The best of the Guile family got crapped on while the other two came out on top as kings… It really was a massive disappointment. I don’t want to go into specifics and spoil it for anyone so apologies for being vague. I actually started out giving this book 3 stars for the story, but as I write this I realize how much I truly disappointed I was and knocked it down to 2-stars.

This felt a lot like GoT season 8 to me. It was a long time to wait just to get a fart to the face.

I would still recommend the series, but it would come with some strong qualifiers about the ending.

Review 2: The Burning White audiobook by J. Wilson

Just too much

Too much filler. There is hour upon hour of monologue and unfortunately only some of it actually add to the story. Some of it fill in some of the gaps from earlier books but way too little.
Having said that I was plodding through that, hating to quit. The problem is that there is just so many scenes that are twisted at the authors whim and finally my willingness to put up with this got broken by the whole Ironfist vs Krucsa(?) scene. It was just so twisted and nobody heard gun shots…really?
Sorry I am giving up and really don’t care how this ends anymore.

Review 3: The Burning White audiobook by Christopher Allen

Absolutely Amazing

I have been nervously anticipating this finale for some time now, worried that I would get my heart broken on yet another fantasy series that falls on its proverbial sword at the finish line. This is not that. This is amazing. Brent’ storytelling, his plot development, and ability to move his readers with emotion gets better with every book. Simon Vance was incredible. Kip was wonderful. Dazen didn’t dissapoint. Karis, inspired. Andros, genius. If you haven’t heard the awesome writing for Gunner brought life by Simon Vance, you’re missing out. Thanks Brent!

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