The Christmas Hirelings (Full Audibook) By Mary Elizabeth Braddon

It’s one of the classics of the time by Mary Elizabeth Braddon as she starts telling us about Sir John who wants to spend Christmas in high passion like always. Unluckily he is not left with people whom he can enjoy this festive occasion so that’s why he has created a makeshift family.

He is found with Adela who is his niece as he has disowned his younger daughter because he never fulfilled her father’s wishes. The elder daughter died a year back and she never had any children of her own. Thus Sir John is left with no other option for survival rather than to adjust in the new people and suppose that he is with his family.

The family even tries to hire some children that can bring energy and life in the house. Everything seems to be going fine at the start but as it goes one Sir John’s mind races elsewhere as he starts looking at different aspects of his decision.

Sir John mocks his own decisions because the very scene starts attracting him and the more he tells himself that it is temporary the more his heart desires to make the whole thing a permanent one. Especially the girl named Moppet really gets her attention and he fails to control the emotions that appear in his heart for the little girl. T

he strength of the female characters is always there in writer’s work we can observe this in Lady Audley’s Secret and Wyllard’s Weird as well. Richard Armitage narrates in a calm manner as the novel itself does not show any haste at all thus it was the right choice not to try to overdo things.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. The Christmas Hirelings 01 541.725
  • 03. The Christmas Hirelings 2 539.557
  • 04. The Christmas Hirelings 3 540.68
  • 05. The Christmas Hirelings 4 539.373
  • 06. The Christmas Hirelings 5 546.976
  • 07. The Christmas Hirelings 6 532.869
  • 08. The Christmas Hirelings 7 540.497
  • 09. The Christmas Hirelings 8 541.411
  • 10. The Christmas Hirelings 9 537.701
  • 11. The Christmas Hirelings 10 542.351
  • 12. The Christmas Hirelings 11 539.922
  • 13. The Christmas Hirelings 12 538.433
  • 14. The Christmas Hirelings 13 539.922
  • 15. The Christmas Hirelings 14 544.023
  • 16. The Christmas Hirelings 15 537.152
  • 17. The Christmas Hirelings 16 546.428
  • 18. The Christmas Hirelings 17 538.068
  • 19. The Christmas Hirelings 18 534.907
  • 20. The Christmas Hirelings 19 543.083
  • 21. The Christmas Hirelings 20 538.277
  • 22. The Christmas Hirelings 21 541.987
  • 23. The Christmas Hirelings 22 538.25
  • 24. The Christmas Hirelings 23 544.572
  • 25. The Christmas Hirelings 24 536.605
  • 26. The Christmas Hirelings 25 545.148
  • 27. The Christmas Hirelings 26 501.492

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