The Cruel Prince – The Folk of the Air Book 1

The Cruel Prince is the first science fiction book in Holly Black’s The Folk of the Air series. This is a thrilling novel about a mortal girl caught in a dangerous web of royal intrigues. One morning, Jude and her sisters saw their parents murdered in front of them. The fearsome assassin kidnaps all three girls to the world of Faerie, where Jude is sent to court and mocked for being mere mortal. Jude joins the royal war to protect himself and his family.

Here are the top 3 reviews and comments that readers love about this fascinating book.

Review 1: The Cruel Prince audiobook by Anonymous User

The BEST book I have read in a long time

I’ll start by saying that if you’re looking for a lighthearted, happy story, then this book is not for you. This book is dark. It is dark and not particularly happy. That being said, I cannot love it enough. I was absolutely hooked from the first chapter and devoured the whole book in two days. I don’t want to give away any spoilers but what I will say is that the story is fast paced, with so many twists and turns in the plot that every time you think you know where the storyline is heading, something throws it into a whole new direction. The characters are brilliantly flawed and the descriptions are so beautifully done I could see every detail in my minds eye. I LOVED this story so much and I simply can not recommend it enough. I have not found a series I have loved this much since Harry Potter. If you have not already read The Cruel Prince do yourself a favor and pick it up ASAP! You can thank me later.

Review 2: The Cruel Prince audiobook by Stephanie Edwards

How voice acting can make or break a book

A typical YA novel that hits it story beats well with twists that keep you hooked through out.

Sadly the narrator some times makes it hard to tell which characters are speaking (as some of the male voices sound similar) and when it is Jude thinking, or Jude speaking.

It is an enjoyable listen and I will be looking over for the second in the series.

Review 3: The Cruel Prince audiobook by Amazon Customer

Not What I Expected…

Reading the description of the story initially, I thought it just sounded like just another mortal girl in an immortal world that happened to be a love story. I was wrong. I fortunately caught sight of the word ‘antihero’ in another person’s review of the book, and it was enough to intrigue me because I’m a sucker for a good antihero. And oh buddy, is the main character, Jude, a delightful type of antihero! I shall name my first born after her. Give it a listen – it’s fun, it’s dark, and it has some fantastic characters.

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