The Darkest Goodbye – Audiobook Online

When an elderly woman is found dead at her home, new DC official Kirsty Wilson is called to the scene. It seems the woman had a mysterious visitor in the early hours of that morning – someone dressed as a caretaker but with much darker intentions. It was clear that this was not a death of natural causes; in fact it was a murder.

Before she could breathe, DC Wilson was thrown into the abyss when another body appeared. This time it was a gruesome crime scene, the victim was a famous drug dealer from the squalid streets of Glasgow, and there was no doubt this was a brutal execution.

The two cases appear to have nothing in common, but when a second vulnerable person is murdered in their sleep, the police realise that it’s only a matter of time before the next victim emerges, and Detective Superintendent William Lorimer is called in to help DC Wilson investigate.

This case is big, and it’s about to get more personal than either of them could have imagined.

As always with this series this book did not disappoint. The plot was complex and there were some surprising twists and turns before the case was resolved. I like the characters in this series and this book developed a more recent character very well. The narration was excellent and the book was very enjoyable.

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  • 01. welcome 8
  • 02. Darkest Goodbye (Lorimer and Brightman 13)_01 5060.83
  • 03. Darkest Goodbye (Lorimer and Brightman 13)_02 5060.83
  • 04. Darkest Goodbye (Lorimer and Brightman 13)_03 5060.83
  • 05. Darkest Goodbye (Lorimer and Brightman 13)_04 5060.83
  • 06. Darkest Goodbye (Lorimer and Brightman 13)_05 5060.83
  • 07. Darkest Goodbye (Lorimer and Brightman 13)_06 5060.83
  • 08. Darkest Goodbye (Lorimer and Brightman 13)_07 5060.83
  • 09. Darkest Goodbye (Lorimer and Brightman 13)_08 5060.83
  • 10. Darkest Goodbye (Lorimer and Brightman 13)_09 5060.36


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