The Dazzling Heights – The Thousandth Floor Book 2

The Dazzling Heights is the second literary fiction book in The Thousandth Floor series by author Katharine McGee. It is the best-selling novel on The Thousandth Floor of The New York Times. In New York, Manhattan is home to a thousand-story super tower, a breathtaking wonder that touches the sky. Between the luxury of high-tech and the glamor of the future, five teenagers are keeping dangerous secrets…

LEDA is haunted by memories of what happened on the worst night of her life. What does she do to make sure the truth remains hidden — even while trusting her enemies.

WATT just wanted to put everything behind his back… until Leda forced him to start hacking again.
When RYLIN wins a scholarship to a high school, her life changes overnight. Then seeing the guy her heart broke, and responding to the guy who broke her.

AVERY is tormented by her love for the only person in the world she could never have.

And then there is CALLIOPE, the mysterious, bohemian beauty who arrives in New York determined to cause a stir. And she knows exactly where to start.
But all of them are unaware, someone is watching their every move, someone intends to take revenge. In a world of such dazzling heights, one misstep can mean a terrifying downfall.

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