The Dragonet Prophecy – Audiobook Online

“The Dragonet Prophecy” follows the story of five young dragons who were chosen to end a long-lasting war between seven dragon tribes. These dragonets were prophesied to be the only ones who could bring peace to the land. However, they are faced with numerous challenges and obstacles as they try to fulfill their destiny. Along the way, they discover dark secrets and conspiracies that threaten to destroy everything they have worked for. The book is filled with action, adventure, and heart-warming moments as the dragonets learn to trust each other and embrace their unique abilities to save their world.

A thrilling new series that rises above the competition and redefines mid-tier fantasy fiction for a new generation!

Seven dragon tribes have been at war for generations, locked in an endless battle over an ancient treasure that has been lost. A secret movement called the Talons of Peace is determined to end the war, with the help of a prophecy – a prophecy that calls for great sacrifice.

Five dragons are gathered to fulfill the prophecy, raised in a hidden cave, and enlisted, against their will, to end the terrible war. But not every dragon wants a destiny. And when the chosen five escape their underground captors in search of their original home, what has been unleashed in the dragon world may be more than what the revolutionary planners intended. .

I love all the books but in my opinion the fifth one is the best. The narrator was so good, I felt like she brought a depth to the series that the books couldn’t have.

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