The Fall And Rise Of China / The Great Courses Modern History – Audiobook Online

“The Fall and Rise of China” is a comprehensive course on the history of China, from the collapse of the Qing Dynasty to the present day. Professor Richard Baum covers topics such as the Opium Wars, the Boxer Rebellion, the rise of communism under Mao Zedong, the opening up of China under Deng Xiaoping, and the country’s emergence as a global superpower.

Throughout the course, Baum discusses the various political, economic, and social challenges that China has faced, as well as the country’s achievements and successes. He also examines the impact of China’s rise on the rest of the world, particularly the United States.

Overall, “The Fall and Rise of China” offers a fascinating look into the complex and dynamic history of one of the world’s oldest civilizations, and sheds light on the factors that have contributed to China’s resurgence as a major player in the 21st century.

The Fall And Rise Of China / The Great Courses: Modern History, Audiobook Online By: Richard BaumThe Great Courses

How can we account for the global – and almost entirely unforeseen – rise of China? And what does it mean for us in the West and for the future of humanity?

Addressing these important and compelling questions, these 48 insightful lectures by Professor Baum bring to life the human struggle, the enormous political upheavals, and the breathtaking speed of modern rebirth. of China. Offering a multi-level insight into one of modern history’s most incredible reality dramas, the lectures combine richly diverse developments and socio-political currents created the China you’re reading in the headlines.

You’ll get a detailed understanding of all the core events in China’s century of amazing change, including the fall of the Qing dynasty, the Republic period, and civil wars, “The Great Leap Forward.” “, the Cultural Revolution and the post-Mao economic “miracle”. Throughout, Professor Baum reveals very unusual details that enrich the cinematic character of the story. For example, you will learn about the Christian warlord who baptized his troops with a fire hose, the strange kidnapping of Chiang K’ai-shek, and the smuggling of the Professor’s own top secret documents. Baum out of Taiwan.

The core strength of these lectures is that they understand the dramatic events of the story by diving into what lies beneath them, culturally, socially and historically – leaving you with diverse knowledge of the forces driving China’s modern rise. Enlivening China’s passionate re-creation with insight and profound humanity, they portray the bewildering, majestic, heartbreaking and visionary story of a modern giant grand.

The narrator and the story grew inside of me through the chapters, so sticking with it until the end was totally worth it. The author’s adventure anecdotes really liven up the historical story. This fascinating story has made me hungry to learn more about Chinese history and culture, especially the ancient and medieval period when modernity was set in motion.

I enjoyed a wonderful three-week trip to China two years ago with the Road Scholars Program and wish I had taken advantage of this course earlier. The course not only provides a deeper understanding of China’s fascinating history, it also provides insight into the politics of the human condition. Professor Baum’s many years of personal experience in China add richness to the course.

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