The Ghost in the House By Sara O’Leary – Audiobook Online

“The Ghost in the House” by Sara O’Leary is about Fay, a successful artist who seems to have everything she’s ever wanted. She lives in the home of her dreams with her husband and everything appears to be perfect. However, one night she realizes that something is wrong. She starts to see ghosts around her house and feels like she is being haunted. As she tries to figure out what is happening to her, she discovers secrets about herself and her family that she never knew. This book explores themes of self-discovery, loss, and the haunting memories that can come back to haunt us.

What if a ghost is haunting your house? What if you are a ghost?

Everything in Fay’s life is perfect – living in the house she dreamed of as a child, marrying the man she loves and planning her life as an artist. Her life seemed full of possibilities. Then, late one night, Fay realized that something was wrong.

Things in the house have changed, and in a way, time and Fay’s husband, Alec, seem to have passed without her. Fay – who thought his life was about to begin – realized that it had suddenly ended. And she learns that sometimes the life you grieve can be your own.

This humorous and dark novel explores both domestic and existential, delving into the dark heart of marriage and the meaning of a life.

Thoroughly enjoyed. Reminded me of the film The Sixth Sense. Not scary at all. Very thought provoking. Would highly recommend for those interested in life after death stories..

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