The Ghost Tree By Christina Henry – Audiobook Online

The Ghost Tree” is a horror novel that follows the story of Lauren and her best friend, Kayla, who live in a small town called Smiths Hollow. The town has a dark history of witchcraft and murder, and Lauren’s family is at the center of it all. When Lauren starts to experience strange visions and nightmares, she realizes that something evil is lurking in the woods.

As Lauren delves deeper into the town’s history, she uncovers secrets that have been buried for generations. She discovers that her family has been involved in witchcraft for centuries and that they have made a deal with a demon to protect their power. Now, the demon is back to collect what is owed to him, and Lauren must find a way to stop him before it’s too late.

The book explores themes of family secrets, betrayal, and the consequences of making deals with dark forces. It also features strong female characters who are determined to fight against evil and protect their loved ones.

As people go missing in the sleepy town of Smith’s Hollow, the only clue to their fate comes when a teenager begins to have terrifying visions, in a macabre horror novel by a semi-author National runner Christina Henry.

When the two girls’ bodies were found torn apart in the town of Smiths Hollow, Lauren was surprised but also hoped that the police would not find the killer. After all, last year, her father’s body was found with her heart missing, and since then people have moved on. Even her best friend, Miranda, has become more interested in the boys than spending time at the spooky old tree, as they used to do as children.

So when Lauren saw a monster dragging the rest of the girls in the woods, she knew there was nothing she could do. Unlike the rest of her town. But as she gets closer to the answer, she realizes that the foundation of her seemingly ordinary town may be rotting in the center. And that if no one else represents the missing person, she will.

Creating a world and a story that sucks you in and never lets go, Christina Henry always writes books that are magical; dark, dangerous and so addicting.

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