The Rich: From Slaves to Super-Yachts: A 2,000-Year History – Audiobook Online
In “The Rich: From Slaves to Super-Yachts,” author John Kampfner delves into the 2,000-year history of the wealthy. He discusses how the definition of wealth has changed over time, from owning land and slaves to accumulating vast sums of money. Kampfner examines the rise and fall of various wealthy dynasties throughout history, from the Roman Empire to modern-day billionaires. He also explores the many contradictions and complexities of the wealthy, who often espouse altruistic values while simultaneously hoarding their wealth. Finally, Kampfner examines the ways in which the wealthy have influenced politics and society, both positively and negatively.
The Rich
- From Slaves to Super-Yachts: A 2,000-Year History
- Narrated by: Roger Davis
From the Orwell Prize shortlisted author Freedom for Sale, The Rich is the fascinating history of how economic elites from ancient Egypt to the present day have earned and spent their money.
Beginning with ancient Egypt and Greece and culminating with oligarchs in modern Russia and China, it compares and contrasts the rich and powerful throughout the ages and around the world. What unites them? Are entrepreneurial instincts, ambition, vanity, greed, and philanthropy the same?
As contemporary politicians, economists and the general public grapple with the inequality of our times – the parallel world inhabited by the ultra-wealthy at a time of broader trouble – it is welcome to look to history for an explanation. This book sums up thousands of years of human behavior and asks: Is there anything new in the growth of the globalized super-rich over the past 20 years?
This is an excellent historical account of wealthy and often corrupt individuals who sometimes achieved their wealth through some rather nefarious means. Along with their stories, author John Kampener occasionally offers personal ideological commentary. The ultra-wealthy have historically not hesitated to use the power that comes with great wealth to amass even greater fortunes.
An eye-opening confirmation of why the rich shouldn’t be in control of our lives. Why Americans GIVE the rich so much and allow the rich to be richer than God. My reading of this book is that no one gets rich by playing nice. Yes, the good guys get to the finish line. And yes, the bad guy gets rewarded. Look who’s the president.
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